


We are followers of Jesus Christ who desire to take scripture and especially Jesus’ words seriously. We strive to put our faith into practice and believe that Jesus’ message is for us today in every aspect of life. Our roots began in 1525 with the Anabaptist movement, a group of radical reformers who were committed to adult baptism and the reading of scripture. Menno Simons, a later leader in this movement, developed a following that became known as the Mennonites. Today, there are many groups of Mennonites, but they all share this commitment to Christ and scripture as well as this beginning heritage.

To learn more about:

– who we are: see also “Who are the Mennonites?”
– what we believe see the articles in our Confession of Faith
– questions that other people are asking about Mennonites see also Thirdway Cafe



Our congregation is a part of Ohio Mennonite Conference, a body of 77 Mennonite Churches throughout Ohio with a few churches that boarder Ohio. This conference provides networking with other churches that share our understanding of faith and who Jesus is. It also provides resources that equip our congregations to be about the work of God’s kingdom here on earth. To learn more, see also Ohio Mennonite Conference’s website.




Through our membership in Ohio Mennonite Conference, our congregation is also a part of Mennonite Church USA, a denomination of 21 area conferences. MC USA is still a young denomination born out of the merger of two Mennonite churches in February of 2002. The denomination provides resources such as curriculum, mission opportunities and educational institutions. In all, MC USA has a membership of more than 109,000 people in 44 states.

Our vision

Healing & Hope – God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace, so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

To learn more, see also our denomination’s webpage, this video , or our Confession of Faith. You can also purchase resources for and about Mennonites



We also connect to a global network of Anabaptist related congregations through Mennonite World Conference. To learn more about these connections go to Mennonite World Conference’s website.