
Children’s Ministry
We value children in our congregation and take seriously our role as a community in the nurture of the faith of children. Because of this, there are a number of ways that children can be a part of the life of Bethel.
We offer Sunday school classes for children that are toddlers through High School. The elementary children meet together for a time of singing before going to more age appropriate classes.
(Growing In Relationships Like Sisters)
This is a girls club for grades K through 3. Meeting the first and third Sundays a month in the afternoon, the group explores topics of self-understanding, social skills, creativity, spiritual awareness, service, nature awareness, and basic living skills. Themes are based on Biblical scripture with time spent reading the Bible, praying and singing. Activities include crafts and baking as well as other fun outings or group games. Anyone is welcome to participate.
See our church calendar for more information.
Jr. High children in grades 6th-8th meet every other month for a social activity. Everyone is welcome to attend. Activities have included hay rides, game night, & going to fun places together. See our church calendar for more information.
This is a boys club for grades 2 through 7. They have a Winter/Spring session that meets twice a month. Sessions include an informal game time, a devotional time to focus on our developing relationship with Jesus Christ, ongoing activity, followed by snack time. A camp-out or two is usually planned during the year. See our church calendar for more information.
During the early part of June, Bethel offers a week long Summer Bible School program for pre-school children through junior high. The children enjoy learning about the Bible through a number of hands on activities. They also enjoy group worship, singing, and drama. Important relationships with God, adults and peers are established during this time. See our church calendar for more information.